The Truth About Monash University and Beverley Manners. Who Lied?
And why would the University lie? Simply because once negative press was begun by the animal rights activists, Monash University severed its working relationship with Rutland Manor, not wanting negative press by association.
And why would the University lie? Simply because once negative press was begun by the animal rights activists, Monash University severed its working relationship with Rutland Manor, not wanting negative press by association.
In July 2009, the Rutland Manor Labradoodle website published the news that Monash University had approached Beverley Manners to ask her if she would work with them in their puppy development project. Updates on the results were promised at a later date on conclusion of the project.
Animal Activists, in keeping with their stalking of Beverley Manners, published on their Wordpress Websites a letter from Simon Barret of Monash University in which the University claimed no knowledge of having approached Beverley Manners for her assistance in a University project on the results of cognitive response stimulation in young puppies.
A tirade of public abuse followed on the Wordpress sites and internet forums, accusing Beverley Manners of being a liar and a fraud.
The "STOP RUTLAND MANOR" website published the following on their website 27th August 2009
"Monash University say NO to University Studies
August 27, 2009
It may help to set your mind to rest about the true practices of Rutland Manor, to know that the Monash University in Melbourne recently approached me to ask for my assistance in developing a research project on the cognitive behavior in puppies from birth to weaning. They have visited my property on three occasions and we are expecting this project to cover a number of months. The outcomes of the research may be used to frame the federal Code of Practice for the raising of puppies, which is something that has not been done before. It is most unlikely that Monash would have proceeded to work with Rutland Manor if conditions here were as some have claimed.
Rutland Manor is actively participating in University studies which may prove to be helpful in establishing a framework of protocols for National Code of Compliance in the raising of puppies across Australia.
"Monash University is not conducting any research at Rutland Manor nor in association with Rutland Manor.
When you brought to our attention the use of Monash University’s name on the website in question the proprietor was contacted. I noted Monash’s name was removed but the website still refers to “university studies”. I have undertaking a search of the scientific literature and have found no reference to Rutland Manor and any university studies and therefore cannot verify the claim on the website.
In relation to our scientific license arrangements we are required to submit fieldwork notifications of any scientific procedures conducted at premises other than our own registered facilities. As no research is being conducted at Rutland Manor there has been no field work notification to the Bureau of Animal Welfare. The Bureau will only have records of research activities when a request to approve a field work site is submitted.
Dr. Simon Barrett
Research Ethics and ComplianceMonash University Research Office
Monash UniversityBuilding 3D, Room 108
Clayton Campus
Wellington Rd
Clayton VIC 3800"
Now see correspondence between Monash University and Beverley Mannners which clearly proves that collaboratory research projects had already commenced wih Beverley Manners on the Rutland Manor property.
Click on the article to read Monash's staff member Pauline Bennet Phd and Monash UndergraduateTiffani Howell's approach to Beverley Manners
Click on the article to read Monash's staff member Pauline Bennet Phd and Monash UndergraduateTiffani Howell's approach to Beverley Manners

monash_university_and_beverley_manners_of_rutland_manor.pdf |
In 2012 Beverley Manners of Rutland Manor contacted Simon Barrett of Monash University in an attempt to provide the University with a way to save face and avoid the embarassment of being exposed for Dr Barrett's dammning letter posted by activist Lisa J Ryan on the Wordpress hate website 'Stop Rutland Manor'.
READ Dr Simon Barrett's REPLY

simon_barrett_and_beverley_manners_of_rutland_manor.pdf |